API's to manage Users.
Last updated
API's to manage Users.
Last updated
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Supported Date formats includes: "2015-03-25" (The International Standard) "03/25/2015" "Mar 25 2015" or "25 Mar 2015" 1726726779171 (Epoch milliseconds)
Your unique API Key.
Your API Hash.
Third party user id of the user. This is the unique identifier of the user in the third party system.
First name of the user.
Last name of the user.
Language code of the user. e.g. en, fr, es etc.
Email of the user.
Country of the user. e.g. EU, NG, US etc.
Date of birth of the user.
Phone number of the user. e.g. +2348123456789
The TygaPay user id.
The Tenant user id.
The Tenant user email address.
Your unique API Key.
Your API Hash.